Advertising Opportunities

SMFM's core membership is comprised of maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) subspecialists, physicians in related disciplines, nurses, genetic counselors, ultrasound technicians, MFM administrators, and other individuals working toward optimal and equitable perinatal outcomes for all people who desire or experience pregnancy. 

The Society offers a variety of advertising options to increase your exposure in the MFM community.

Online Advertising

The SMFM website is a crucial resource for our MFM community of 7,000+ members. By strategically placing banner ads, you can effectively convey your brand's message to your target audience. With an average of 51,000 visits per month on the SMFM website and 48,000 on the patient-facing site, you have the opportunity to increase your brand's visibility and leverage your online presence. Review our Media Kit to find ad placement opportunities.

Special Delivery Newsletter Advertising

The Society distributes an electronic newsletter, Special Delivery, each month to our 6,000+ members. We accept limited, paid advertising in this publication. Review our Media Kit to find ad placement opportunities.

Fellow Lecture Series

Support the SMFM Fellow Lecture Series. The MFM Fellow Lecture Series supports obstetric clinicians and complements MFM fellowship programs with a live twice-monthly web lecture series by leaders in MFM, ultrasound, research, neonatology, and genetics. Each lecture consists of 50 minutes of didactic lecture followed by 10-15 minutes of live Q&A with the speaker. Learn more about  this sponsorship opportunity.

SMFM Podcast Series

Support the SMFM Podcast Series hosted by the Clinical Education Committee. Podcasts are available on the SMFM e-learning site, Spotify, Apple, and Google Podcasts. Learn more about this sponsorship opportunity.

Clinical Webinar Series

Each webinar in the Clinical Webinar Series summarizes an SMFM Consult that has been published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The aim of the series is to provide an additional avenue by which users can access and assimilate SMFM guidance and recommendations through a engaging, didactic lecture format. Learn more about this sponsorship opportunity.

Mailing List Rentals

Rent the SMFM member mailing list for one-time use to individual members for the purpose of marketing your products or services to the MFM community. The SMFM mailing list contains physical addresses only. The rental of the mailing list can be done online.  SMFM does not sell or share members' email addresses with third parties. Learn more about SMFM's data policies.

Career Listings

The SMFM Career Center is designed to help you locate exceptional maternal-fetal medicine candidates for your company.  Post your career opportunities online today!

Meetings & Events Exhibiting + Sponsorship Opportunities

Engage with the MFM community during our in-person meetings and events. Learn how you can partner with SMFM.