Telehealth for MFM

SMFM's Telehealth Workgroup and volunteer leaders have developed a number of resources to support telehealth for MFMs during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

Patient Education 

Share SMFM's patient handouts to help your patients prepare for telehealth appointments. Find handouts and address common questions that patients may have.

Health Policy and Advocacy

Acknowledging the potential for telehealth to exacerbate inequities if poorly implemented, SMFM's Health Policy and Advocacy Committee created an issue brief, "Opportunities to Increase Access to Quality Care and Advance Equitable Maternal Health" (Dec 2020), intended to guide the development of policies so that they advance equity and increase access to MFM services. Additional partner resources include:

Coding and Practice Management Resources

Available exclusively to SMFM members, the SMFM Coding Committee has developed coding guidance for telemedicine and remote monitoring services. 

Developed as part of SMFM's COVID-19 Series, the webinars listed below are open access.


The Association of American Medical Colleges issued a series of telehealth competencies (September 2020)

The University of Rochester Medical Center developed practical tips for clinical supervision in ambulatory telehealth visits (May 2020) and guidance of precepting for telemedicine. This varies by state.