Coding & Practice Management Q&A Archive

The Coding Question and Answer section of the SMFM website will help guide your coding questions. The Coding Committee will compile all questions received, consider the most frequently asked questions, and develop appropriate responses with input from physicians and professional coders. Answers to the most frequently asked questions will be posted on the Web Page on a monthly basis. Please check the Coding Question Archives before submitting your question. The answer to your question may already be posted!

This system serves a dual purpose: it enables the Committee to determine areas of particular interest to SMFM members and provides coding guidance as needed. SMFM will also be able to contact you via email with updates on specific coding topics.

You will find sample questions and answers below, separated by category, CPT, ICD-10, and sub-category for your information. We encourage you to check the Question and Answer page for new postings regularly.