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Coding : Coding Tips Coding : Coding White Papers News

Descriptions and Required Components for CPT 76805, 76815 and 76816 ultrasound procedures
Descriptions and Required Components for CPT 76805, 76815 and 76816 ultrasound procedures

Recently, our membership has had questions regarding the appropriate use and required components of CPT codes 76805, 76816 and 76815. This coding tip reviews the components of each imaging study, as well as provides some clinical scenarios of appropriate use: It is important to distinguish,... Continue Reading

Date posted03/31/2018

ICD-10-CM sequencing guidelines for Delivery
ICD-10-CM sequencing guidelines for Delivery

ccording to the ICD-10cm official guidelines for coding and reporting (fiscal year 2018) Chapter 15: pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium; section 4. (e.g., page 19 of 117), if multiple conditions prompted the admission, sequence the one most related to the delivery as the principal... Continue Reading

Date posted02/28/2018

ICD-10 Coding – Size/Dates Discrepancy vs. Fetal Growth Issues
ICD-10 Coding – Size/Dates Discrepancy vs. Fetal Growth Issues

Use of the uterine size/dates discrepancy code set (O26.841-O26.849) is appropriate when the measurement between the symphysis pubis and the top of the fundus is not consistent with the stated dates. There may be a diagnosis of uterine size/dates discrepancy, whether the fetus itself is large,... Continue Reading

Date posted01/31/2018

The Use of Delivery Codes by the Maternal Fetal Medicine Physician
The Use of Delivery Codes by the Maternal Fetal Medicine Physician

Important Tips: 1. It will be relatively rare for an MFM physician to bill global obstetric care, because some portion of the antepartum service will have typically been provided by an obstetrician unaffiliated withhis/her practice. The most common occasion in which it will occur is when an MFM... Continue Reading

Date posted12/31/2017

How to report a cervical cerclage when 2 sutures are used
How to report a cervical cerclage when 2 sutures are used

Some obstetric care providers choose to place two sutures rather than one at the time of the initial cervical cerclage placement. In some cases, the second suture is not a true cerclage suture but only provides leverage to help in identifying and pulling the cerclage suture at removal. If that is... Continue Reading

Date posted11/30/2017

Fetal Laser and Surgery
Fetal Laser and Surgery

Twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is one of the most challenging clinical problems in monochorionic multifetal gestations with mortality rates as high as 80% if left untreated. Fetoscopic laser photocoagulation is described as the preferred method of treatment for select or severe cases of... Continue Reading

Date posted11/9/2017

Billing of 76801 and/or 76813 with cfDNA screening
Billing of 76801 and/or 76813 with cfDNA screening

Cell-free fetal DNA (cfDNA) screening has enhanced the ability to offer early aneuploidy screeningin pregnancy. The purpose of this White Paper is to describe billing recommendations when cfDNAscreening is done or considered in conjunction with first trimester Nuchal Translucency screening(CPT... Continue Reading

Date posted11/9/2017

Billing for Non-face Prolonged Services
Billing for Non-face Prolonged Services

99358--Prolonged evaluation and management service before and/or after direct patient care; first hour (30-74 mins). +99359-- Prolonged evaluation and management service before and/or after direct patient care; each additional 30 minutes (>74 mins) (List separately in addition to code for... Continue Reading

Date posted10/31/2017

ICD-10-CM Changes for 2018
ICD-10-CM Changes for 2018

SMFM Coding CommitteeNewsletter Coding Tip – August 2017ICD-10-CM Changes for 2018With the adoption of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM), Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) specialists lost the opportunity to be specific in assigning... Continue Reading

Date posted08/31/2017

When and how are Ductus Venosus, Ductus Arteriosus and PR Intervals reported?
When and how are Ductus Venosus, Ductus Arteriosus and PR Intervals reported?

The SMFM Coding Committee frequently receives inquiries on when and how to bill for Doppler of the ductus venosus, Doppler of the ductus arteriosus, and PR Interval measurement. Below are the suggested ways to report these services: Ductus venosus Doppler: This is billable when sampled as part of... Continue Reading

Date posted07/20/2017

Obstetric or Nonobstetric Ultrasound?
Obstetric or Nonobstetric Ultrasound?

The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) book divides the codes for pelvic ultrasound services into two categories: Obstetrical (76801-76828) and Nonobstetrical (76830-76857). However, how does one know which category to use? An appropriate obstetrical ultrasound code should be selected... Continue Reading

Date posted06/1/2017

Reporting confirmation of pregnancy visit
Reporting confirmation of pregnancy visit

The initial provider visit confirming pregnancy is not always part of the global maternity care service. For example, if a patient only had a positive home pregnancy test, you could have a short E/M visit to confirm the pregnancy as long as the OB record is not initiated at that visit. The... Continue Reading

Date posted05/1/2017