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Coding : Coding Tips Coding : Coding White Papers News

"Radiology Bundling Rule Reimbursement Reduction" for Obstetrical Ultrasound Studies
"Radiology Bundling Rule Reimbursement Reduction" for Obstetrical Ultrasound Studies

This White Paper will deal with the “Radiology Bundling Rule” (RBR) to provide the SMFM Coding Committees recommendations for the optimal reporting and obtaining proper reimbursement for multiple obstetrical ultrasounds performed on the same day with special focus on avoiding second... Continue Reading

Date posted02/29/2012

Maternal-Fetal Medicine Services-Ordering Diagnostic Testing
Maternal-Fetal Medicine Services-Ordering Diagnostic Testing

Dear Members, and Coders,This White Paper will deal with this subject and give, to the best of this Committee knowledge, what the appropriate way of billing and obtaining reimbursement for such services. Download the PDF Continue Reading

Date posted05/9/2011